Thursday, March 26, 2009

The air is still. The Eastern sky is showing the first sign of light. There is a chill in the air and there is skim ice around the hull of the Cross Island ferry. April 1st is next week. The schoolie bass are occasionally showing signs of life - and we have ice! What's wrong with this picture? Don't fret. Fishing is going to happen soon.

As I look out the ferry window at the many hot bass spots East and West of the Thames River I get a good feeling. The water no longer has that cold and alarming look. It now looks friendlier and alluring. The tide is coming in. The water's motion over Harkness and Bartlett reefs is moving perfectly, waiting for the bass to return. It's only a matter of a few weeks and those bass will be pulling and you will be pumping. The bass will win some. Some you will win. What new and exciting memories of lost and landed fish are you going to experience. History tells us we are going to experience all the emotions - from highs to lows. That's why our sport is called fishing, not catching. No matter the outcome, the experience will be enjoyable. Get away from the hectic day to day routine and enjoy a day on the water with Capt. Dixon.

One of my favorite areas to fish is the surrounding area of Plum Island. As the ferry approaches Orient Pt. off the bow, in the distance Plum Island is to port of the vessel. The sluiceway is to the islands East, the Gut to the West. I couldn't guess how many bass, blues and false albacore I have caught in this area - let's just leave it at lots! I can recall many, many fond memories.

I have a great day ahead. I get to drive down (West) the North Fork of Long Island, then onto (East) the South Fork to Montauk, then back across Shelter Island before catching the evening ferry from Orient Pt. back to New London. Much of the time will be spent looking at the water or talking fishing as I visit the many tackle shops and marinas that sell our Big Eye polarized sunglasses. You can see our great line of sunglasses by logging onto Link to Big Eye and you can then look at the many great sunglasses that others are looking through when they are catching fish. With Big Eyes you'll see the Big Fish!

1 comment:

  1. Dixon,

    This was an awesome post. I was totally able to envision what you were talking about. Great stuff. Hope to see you soon.
